I am thankful for all the corgis on the Internet, especially Corgnelius, Waffles, and Hazel. But I am thankful for my baby Cailey, who is not a corgi, most of all. – Lauren Michael, Head Copy Editor
I’m thankful for Spotify because I don’t know how else anyone would know I have a secret affinity for Kylie Minogue. – Kelly Felsberg, Copy Editor/Columnist
I am thankful that the Twilight series is finally over. It is about time we settle the debate between Team Edward and Team Jacob–we all know Team Edward is the better team. I am thankful for the abundance of caffeine available on campus. Between Starbucks and the dining hall, I have been able to get through four exams and a multitude of projects in the past two weeks with minimal sleep. – Carol Chin, Photographer
I’m thankful for the random guy who gave me $10 yesterday when I passed him on the street. No, seriously, a random guy gave me money and told me to have a nice day. – Chris Walker, Staff Writer
This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to have already had a well-paying job working with students in Washington, D.C. and Berkeley, CA, with co-workers that I love and rewarding experiences every day of work. – Jon Giardiello, Staff Writer
I’m thankful for the fact that this will be the last Thanksgiving I have to sit through not being 21. ‘Nuff said. – Aria Ruggiero, Staff Writer
I’m thankful for a world that provides me with enough bad puns, music and vegan ice cream to get through rainy days. And I suppose I’m thankful for being surrounded by people who think it’s completely acceptable for me to sing in a chipmunk voice when the time is right–which just happens to be all the time. – Charlotte Holley, Staff Writer
I’m thankful for this past election. Gay rights victories in three states, the most diverse (in all ways) Congress, and a President who will keep that aforementioned progress going. Not to mention a badass double-amputee lady Iraq war veteran representative with the word “Duck” in her name. I want someone to write a comic book on her. – Jon Erik Christianson, Staff Writer
I’m thankful for those moments late at night, when I throw my books down, when my eyes are heavy and my face aches from smiling and I finally take my boots off, and I remember in that quiet instant that there are beautiful people in every part of my life. They know who they are. I love them, and I am loved. – Sharon Weissburg, Staff Writer
I am thankful for cameras and music. I can’t think of anything more profound than a captured feeling or a shared melody. – Marry Pivazian, Photographer
I am thankful for finally experiencing a little bit of intense weather in Boston. I had thus far missed every major blizzard and storm because of my winter break travel plans. Now I at least got nicked by something that was formerly a hurricane… – Evan Caughey, Head Designer
I am thankful for the small mouse living under my kitchen cabinets. He keeps me close to nature. – Amalie Steidley, Campus Editor
I’m thankful for Google and their self-driving cars. There’ll be no more texting and driving accidents ever again. – Allan Lasser, Publisher
I am thankful for Google+ hangouts. I am one of three brothers. We go to school in Boston, Iowa and Scotland. We’re from Chicago, so that’s where my dad’s job is, but my mom works in North Carolina. (Fortunately, my dad has been able to work from North Carolina for the past few months). We make it a point to “hangout” every other Sunday so we can keep up with each other’s lives. So I’m thankful I get see my family at least twice a month, even though we’re scattered across the country and the globe. – Jake Lucas, Staff Writer
I am thankful for the long walk down Commonwealth Avenue from West Campus. First of all, I’m always getting exercise from the couple of miles back and forth, but secondly, I get a great view of downtown Boston on my way to class. That, then, makes me thankful to be living and going to school in such a fantastic city, and the walk down Comm Ave is a constant reminder of it! – Yasmin Gentry, Staff Writer
I’m thankful for the people who don’t get mad when it takes you forever to find your Charlie Card when you’ve got a heavy backpack on and a winter coat and you’re carrying two Trader Joe’s bags and your wallet could be in any one of those places, but it’s always the last one you check. Also, dry shampoo. – Naomi Spungen, Staff Writer
I’m thankful for warm socks and warm scarves, vintage markets and cheap coffee, trash TV and tabloid newspapers, a good sandwich and the occasional cigarette, free museums and public transportation, long hugs and gym memberships, noise-cancelling headphones and the occasions on which toast lands butter-side up. – Kelly Dickinson, Editor-in-Absentia
I’m thankful for people in Boston who have cute dogs that they walk down the street. I’m thankful for the heating blanket that my mom sent me in the mail. And I’m thankful for having a kitchen to make delicious food in. – Ashley Hansberry, Head Photographer
I’m thankful for the most parent-approved piece of BU news in recent history, the guts and the glory–but mostly glory–of the unpaid internship, a killer (in the best sense) course load, and my treasured little caffeine machine, the Keurig. But most of all, this year, I’m thankful for this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSBq8geuJk0 (and you should be too). – Ingrid Adamow, Editor-in-Chief