Welcome to Election Season

Ron Paul, winner of the CPAC straw poll. From flickr user kankie

Last weekend the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held its annual straw poll to decide its preferred presidential nominee. While it is completely ridiculous to say that this poll has any basis in reality – Ron Paul, who has a touch of the crazies, has now won twice in a row – it did signify the beginning stages of the 2012 Presidential campaign, and I am not happy about it.

As a little background for those of you who don’t follow obscure political conventions, this year’s poll had many contenders, but only two had any real support. Failed 2008 presidential candidate Mitt Romney finished behind Ron Paul, and everyone else was far behind. Sarah Palin got no love from the CPAC crowd, but she has recently hired new staff members with suspicious amounts of campaign experience, so watch out.

But that poll covered just 15 potential GOP nominees. As if Republicans don’t have enough problems what with Tea Partiers running around in Revolutionary War costumes, Donald Trump has said he will decide on whether to join the race within the next few months. Despite the fact that the American people would never elect someone with such awful hair, if he decides to run his truckloads of money could keep him in the race just long enough to throw a wrench in the works of serious Republican campaigns.

The November 2012 elections are still twenty-two months away, and yet here we are diving head first into election madness. Even as a person who spends a significant portion of her free time thinking about politics, that is way too much campaigning. A child born today will be able to walk and talk and terrorize its siblings before it ever knows a time without campaigning.

Despite all of the time and money that will be put into those twenty-two months, it is unlikely that any of it will have an effect. Unless the Republican field changes or the President makes a huge mistake, most early polls show that none of the right’s candidates seem to have what it takes to beat Obama. All we are going to get out of it is two years of excruciatingly repetitive and inescapable coverage of every move every candidate makes. If we are lucky, we might at least get a showdown at the convention to add some excitement to the whole process, but that hasn’t happened for almost fifty years, so I’m not holding my breath.

Meanwhile, there are troops in Afghanistan, the economy is still a mess, unemployment is high, the country is facing a huge deficit and important legislative questions about immigration, education and health care (among others) that need to be addressed. With the news media wrapped up in the thrill of the chase and Obama out trying to convince people he didn’t screw up as badly as we all think he did, these things will all fall by the wayside. The American political campaign has become a complete circus. I find it tiresome and I’m almost positive the rest of the country shares my opinion. Politicians can’t enjoy two years of non-stop work ending in almost certain defeat, either. Why can’t we all just agree to wait until next year to start the madness? Please?

About Annie White

Annie is a senior in CAS studying political science.

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4 Comments on “Welcome to Election Season”

  1. So which of Ron Paul’s stances do you feel make him crazy ?

    His desire to stop the run away spending in congress ?

    His warnings since the 70’s that the federal reserve
    was going to devalue our money and create inflation ?

    The desire to end a war that has now lasted longer than the Vietnam War ?

    To close some of the over 900 bases we have around the world and bring our men and women home ?

    How about his strict adherence to the constitution
    when voting on bills in the house ?

    Oh by the way Rasmussen ran a poll last year
    Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%
    Google it..
    I do believe if the republican establishment and their mouth pieces(Yes Annie, you) would stop calling Ron Paul crazy to the uniformed masses maybe just maybe we could have a true conservative in the white house in 2012 !!!!!

    People do your own research and vote in 2012 for the future of your children !!

  2. R. Paull is without a doubt probably my own preferred nominee within the actual approaching political election, nevertheless My spouse and I tend not to feel such as he has obtaining adequate sensible coverage from the particular biased press in order to chandail over the actual success.

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