Dear BU Housing: This is Kind of My Home

First of all: thank you for the wonderful housing. I have lucked out with my renovated brownstone, I know many other students that have not been as lucky and have been stuck with curtain-closets in Warren Towers. I truly appreciate where I live, it’s awesome, can’t get much better than this.

A number of brownstones on Bay State (including mine) will be evacuated on November 24 | Photo by Patricia Bruce

Now, to my next point: Thanksgiving. It’s a time for all of us students to go home to a nice, home cooked meal, see our families and friends that we haven’t seen in ages, and just be really warm, cozy and happy. It’s a beautiful thing, for those of us that are lucky enough to take part in the festivities. However, there are many, MANY of us that are stuck here in Boston that don’t actually live here, and live too far away to go home for the holiday. So what exactly happens to those unfortunate students? Well, some are happy and content in staying in their rooms, going about normal BU life, without the class and dining halls, etc., etc. Then, there are those that are kicked out of our BU Housing.

That’s right, kicked out. Sure, you offer alternate housing for these poor, unfortunate souls, but only if we feel like paying $160 to live with someone in a hotel room that we have never met before. Sounds just peachy.

Around 1800 students will be kicked out of Warren Towers during fall break | Photo by Patricia Bruce

Like I said before, my housing is awesome, and I can’t imagine having a better housing situation. Thanks again, for that much. I would be more than content to stay in my room and do nothing for a few days. I have a kitchen in my basement, and a microfridge, all I really need to survive.  But yet you INSIST that I be out of my room by 12 PM on Wednesday, November 24, and no later than that. Out, like I can’t even live in my own home for five days, out. This led me to paw around begging my friends in Boston to let me stay in their off-campus apartments, becoming a burden when I really never needed to be one.

Luckily, I have found a temporary home during the hiatus for me and a friend of mine, who was also thrown into this situation. I’ve heard stories of ten or more students cramming themselves into their friend’s south campus apartments, which unlike my brownstone, are not closed. I’ve heard stories of students sleeping on the T, riding from Government Center to Boston College and back until the cows come home. Well, maybe not exactly… but it’s bound to happen.

So, Housing, I am very upset with your decision to close my brownstone. I live here. Lots of us do. Do you really think it’s fair to kick us out of our homes?

Sincerely NOT yours,

A Victim of Housing

About Patricia Bruce

Patricia Bruce is a junior in COM/CAS majoring in philosophy & photojournalism. She enjoys things with ph's, and is the photo as well as fashion editor for the Quad. The end.

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